If you will picture with me a brick wall, a completed brick wall. One thing that we take for granted is its strong foundation at the bottom. We don't think about everything that goes into building a structurally sound wall. There are a lot of things that are very important. Where you build the wall has to be just right. The ground must be level among many other things. Once the actual construction occurs, you must have the right amount of space between each brick. There must be enough mortar between each brick. Each brick must be placed perfectly level. Where and how the bricks are placed effect all the other bricks.
Where I am going with this? I have seen that learning Spanish for me is very much the same as building a brick wall. I know the picture is the completed brick wall (learning Spanish well). However, as I am learning the foundational things of Spanish. It is critical to get the foundational things right. Each brick needs to be placed just right. However, my desire is to worry more about the completed project. I understand completely the need to make sure the foundation is right and that it happens one brick at a time. I don't want to fret about each and every brick. I want to focus on the prize at the end.
My attitude to this point has been really relaxed about not quite understanding everything I have been taught, because I knew it will come. I am focused on the big picture!
Okay, here is the truth..... That is not like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have always wanted to be the best at everything or at least to do it very well. God to this point has given me a relaxed attitude. I am so grateful for it. So, please pray that God would continue to give me this attitude.
This is a VERY intense program. A lot things are taught in a very short amount of time. Things are coming at us very quickly. I don't want to get worked up about things. Don't get me wrong I want to do well. But not to fret about not getting A's! The object is to learn to speak Spanish! And that is exactly what I want to do.