I always want to write something witty or some great experience, but really I don't have anything. I'm just going to share "life stuff". As many of you know we made the decision to home school the girls until they start their school year in August in San Salvador. Before we actually started, I was SCARED for many different reasons. I thought things like, "I'm going to mess this up", "when will I have time to clean?", "how will I confront issues that arise in learning styles?", "how will I handle resistance?" and lastly and most ugly, "what about 'my time'?" As it has turned out, this time has been one of the sweetest times I have had with our girls. Yes, there has been resistance, there has been challenges but I wouldn't trade this time for anything. Here's a little "shout out" to you mom's that choose to home school year after year. I admire you all so much. Your eternal investment in your kids has so much more value than having a clean and picked up house or having your "project list" grow rather than get smaller, more than having "me time" as much as you wanted. I now have a greater respect for you all. May God bless your time and grow you all through it!
Within the last couple of weeks, 2 1/2 years after coming to Gotera, I have had the blessing of having a few conversations, beyond the "surface stuff" with a few ladies at the church. You say, "wow, great you had a conversation with someone, I just had one Sunday with someone". No, what I am saying, is I have tried for 2 and half years to engage a few of these ladies in a conversation and have come up against just surface stuff, aka a wall. Wow, 2 1/2 years, seems like a lot! But really is it? Some people spend 10, 15 sometimes 20 years trying to get in. Although, it has been a hard 2 1/2 years I feel blessed to have finally had a conversation with someone. A great quote from the classic book "The Door in the Wall" goes "Thou hast only to follow the wall far enough and there will be a door in it". I have found a door!
Lately, I have felt tremendously blessed and overwhelmed with the growth I have experienced lately. In my 40's, I have taken on major things to learn, for example Spanish, guitar, Tae kwon do. When I look back at how much growth and ability that God has allowed, I feel so blessed. But, I do have to say, that it makes me want more! I don't want to settle for what I have learned to this point. I want more!!! I see that so much too in regards to the Bible. I know so much more than I did, oh, but...... I WANT MORE!