One of our favorite things to do with our days is go to Loose Park (known to my girls as the "Duck Park). They love to feed the ducks. The pond is beautifully made and kept. The edge has always been a little scary for me because it just drops off. So I have always watched the girls carefully when they are by the edge. And really have played through my mind what I would do "if" one of them were to fall in. Would I jump or dive? Certainly I have never needed to worry about it until...this past Wednesday.
We were feeding the ducks and all of a sudden Avigail was in the water. I didn't see it happen. I tried to reach her from the side and couldn't, and without another thought jumped in to pull her out. Praise the Lord I was close by when she fell in. I am not always, because I am usually watching Ella, because I have always been more nervous about her adventurous side.
Avigail was very shaken up by the situation, understandably. One thing that was very interesting to me was how grateful she was. I mean grateful. That little girl must have said 10 times on our way home "thank you mommy for saving me. I love you!" And throughout the rest of the day many more times. It has faded now to every couple of days. And I'm sure it will go away completely.
Do you remember your salvation and how grateful you were? I do. I was SO grateful and never wanting to stop telling Him "Thank you, and that I loved Him". I didn't want to get away from saying how grateful I am to Him for saving me, but I have. But this situation has brought back the words to my speech. I am so grateful to Him for saving me from the pit I was in. May I never get away from saying it.
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