Thursday, August 30, 2007

Days of our Lives

Our schedule dramatically changed. We went from 120 miles per hour to about 2 miles per hour. Once I finished putting the house together there really wasn't much to do.

In the morning we would spend time in the Word. Then we would eat breakfast, wash the dishes, sweep the floors, do laundry if needed. Then the girls would play until lunch then we would go through the same routine of cooking and cleaning. Then the girls would take a nap and Ryan and I would check our email. Hoping to hitch a ride on the neighbors wireless. Then we would look at each other and say "what do you want to do?" By 3:30pm because of boredom I started making dinner. So we would be finished with dinner and dishes by 5:30 or 6:00 pm. Then what? It is pretty funny to go from sooooo busy to hardly anything. Whoa, what a change.

Speaking of change, starting next week we will start our classes and we will wish for the days of having nothing to do. Our orientation has been very informative. And one of the things that has been made very clear is that this will be the hardest year of your life. One lady on staff, who was also a former student said while she was learning Spanish at the Language Institute said it was the hardest year of her life and she had 57 other years to compare it to. Oh my gosh!!!! Wowee, hold on for the ride. And know that God is still on the throne.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Trusting God

Ella is still have troubles sleeping at night, so as a result mama is have troubles sleeping at night. As I was up with her last night, I was praying to God to help her sleep. And feeling a little panicked about how I would be able to go school, sit in classes all morning with little sleep. I was frevently praying that God would change Ella's sleep habits so I can get some sleep. Then the thought occurred to me that I can trust God with everything and should trust Him in everything. Even my sleep. He knows what I need, all of what I need. I just need to trust Him.

White Tile

We have white tile throughout our house. Oh my goodness does it ever get dirty. Every day I have to sweep. One day as I was sweeping, I thought the floors are very similar to my spiritual life. If I don't clean up every day by spending time in God's word it get's very dirty and it is very obvious to anyone walking by. My floors sure look clean when they are clean, but it takes a lot of work to maintain it's cleanliness. I have to be disciplined to stay on top of it.

Friday, August 17, 2007


I just happened to be reading "My Utmost for His Highest", (which I have not made part of my daily routine for a long time), and was blown away by this entry for August 14th.

"Depise not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of Him." Hebrews 12:5. It is very easy to quench the Spirit; we do it by depising the chastening of the Lord, by fainting when we are rebuked by Him. If we have only a shallow experience of sanctification, we mistake the shadow for the reality, and when the Spirit of God begins to check, we say - oh, that must be the devil.
Never quench the Spirit, and do not despise Him when He says to you - "don't be blind on this point any more; you are not where you thought you were. Up to the present I have not been able to reveal it to you, but I reveal it now." When the Lord chasens you like that, let Him have His way. Let Him relate you rightly to God.
"Nor faint when thou art rebuked of Him" We get into sulks with God and say - "Oh, well, I can't help it; I did pray and things did not turn out right, and I am going to give it all up." Think what would happen if we talked like this in any other domain of life!
Am I prepared to let God grip me by His power and do a work in me that is worthy of Himself? Sanctification is not my idea of what I want God to do for me; sanctification is God's idea of what He wants to do for me, and He has to get me into the attitude of mind and spirit where at any cost I will let Him sanctify me wholly.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Final Countdown!

Five days left until we leave for Costa Rica. Wow, I can't believe it is finally here. For a long time it seemed so far away, but now...OH MY GOSH!!!!! There is a lot do. With all the craziness going on, everything has gone really smoothly.

What's left to do is pack up, clean up and say some final goodbyes (or see you laters). It's a long list of things but it will get done. And what doesn't...oh well!

The girls have been troopers through all this craziness. They would go to the other house and play, watch movies while we were purging and cleaning. They are getting carted here and there and just going with the flow.

They are still having rough nights. They aren't sleeping well. But that will pass (which I'm very excited for). I'm sure it will help to have more of a routine back in our lives.

It was difficult on Sunday to say goodbye to so many good friends. God has truly blessed us. But to me it is also very exciting because I know, because I have experienced it, that we will gain more great friendships. So we are gaining, not loosing!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Operation Potty Training Part Two - Successful

Whooohooo!!! We have success! Praise the Lord. Ella is doing GREAT! She has had no accidents in 7 days. It was a little rough at first, but she is doing great now. Thank you for praying.