Yikes!!!! College was definitely a few years ago for me. Now I have to at a much older age, listen intently in a classroom for 4 hours, study 3 hours per night and be able to remember how to ask how someone is in another language. When my spanish battery is running low I can potentially ask someone how their mom is when I want to know their name. And when they ask me how I am my response is only gracias. You just have to laugh at yourself sometimes (and for me much more than others).
Wow! I can't even imagine 3 hours of study. Are you guys burning the midnight oil?
I haven't been able to figure out how to identify myself...its Khalilah
Estoy seguro que vas a ser bien. Yo se que es dificil a aprender la idioma pero, con el poder de Cristo todo es possible no?
Con Amor,
Hey girl! I miss visiting with you both in the nursery! On a smaller scale, I can relate with the brain pain of trying to understand and be understood. As you know this week was the Summit at KCBT. We hosted a couple from Monterrey, Mexico. They spoke little English and we speak only words of Spanish. I was mentally exhausted after a week of trying to communicate with them. But it was a really great week. In our conversations with Irene and Reynold, when it would get to a certain point that both of us knew we were not going to get our point across, we would just throw our hands up and say "Ah, No Problema" or, for fun, "Hasta lavista Baby!"
Jen Leonard
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