Monday, October 22, 2007

In My Weakness His is Strong

Several messages I have heard lately have talked about God can only be strong when we are (I am) weak. Jeff Adams said in a message after the Summit "it is not who we are, it is who we are not." We have definitely seen how needful it is for us to just trust and know that He has everything under control.

I'm sure many of you have seen the video on "Team Hoyt", but I saw it for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I was a blubbering fool when I saw this story. For those of you that haven't seen it or don't know the story, it is a man that has a son that was born with his umbilical cord around his neck and as a result had cerebral palsy. He is unable to walk, talk, eat without assistance. This young man asked his dad if he would compete in a race with him. Which meant the dad would run pushing him in a wheelchair, swim pulling him in a boat (raft) and bike with him riding in a specially crafted bike. The thing that struck me the most was the look on this young man's face while his dad pushed, pulled and biked with him. His dependency on his father was critical. He had no other choice. In that complete dependency, he had so much joy on his face. It looked exhilarating! I want to be that way with my Father. I want to learn to be so completely dependent on Him for everything and in everything. I know that with that kind of dependency comes joy and exhilaration!

If you haven't seen this video check it out, and if so, maybe watch it again from the perspective of you being the one in that chair being pushed by your Father. Youtube "team Hoyt".

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