Avigail is growing up so fast not just in height. I am so excited about the questions she is asking and the life lessons she is starting to understand. She is in a very inquisitive stage about the things of Jesus' death and salvation that comes from it.
She said the other day, "mom can you help me with the decision to accept Jesus as my Savior because I think I need help." She can tell you everything about the gospel, but it is not quite personal (yet)!
We told her it would be good if she prayed for God to show her why she needed a Savior. And she has done just that. Every couple of days she is asking more questions. It is such a blessing to watch and be a part of as parents.
On a much different note... Avigail is loving Tae Kwan Do. She gets so excited when she is given the opportunity to count out loud during the exercises in Korean.
Avigail is a really sweet big sister and daughter. We are so blessed to have her as our daughter!
In the picture above she is not drinking anything shady.....it is agua de coco (coconut water)! She wanted the umbrella that came with the water.
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